ORCOM C&A’s teams can compile the accounts of your subsidiary in Asia in accordance with local standards / GAAP as well as prepare reporting to the Group in accordance with the applicable international standards…
Orcom C&A’s teams assist you in the set up of your Subsidiary, your Branch, a Joint Venture or your Representative Office, from the drafting of the articles of association to the opening of your bank account…
The Orcom C&A’s teams is here to help! At the frequency of your choice, our Team can conduct administrative, tax, legal and financial supervision (internal audit) as well as provide you with their observations and an action plan to remedy any deficiencies observed…
Orcom C&A can assist you in conducting a financial, legal and social due diligence to help you assess the value of your target while identifying the major risks and minimize your liability in the context of a possible transaction…
As experts in international corporate and expatriate law, our tax specialists can assess and optimize your compnay income tax exposure as well as your private situation and provide you with the best solutions and tax advice…
Our team of qualified local and international auditors, fluent in English, Chinese, French and Italian can conduct any kind of audit, from limited review of your subsidiary’s financial statements to a full audit, in accordance with local GAAP (statutory audit) or as per international or group reporting policies.