The Circular provides that certain consumer goods will be subject to import tariffs at the temporarily reduced rates from December 1, 2017.
The List of Adjustments to Temporary Import Tariff Rates on Certain Consumer Goods is distributed in the Circular, covering 187 items, such as « mineral water », « whisky », « other medicines (consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses) », « perfume and florida water », « other maquillage or cosmetics and skin care products », « silk-made shawls, kerchiefs, scarves and similar products », « wool blankets and travel blankets », « paintbrushes », « milk powders”, “coffee machines”, etc.
According the head of luxury goods at Exane BNP Paribas Mr. Luca Solca, “these import tariffs will open the domestic Chinese market to more international brands — which will be able to reduce their retail price in China. At the same time, this will bring more competition to local Chinese brands and will force them to up their ante”.